2 min read — Published 1 year ago

Operating an startup accelerator, a VC fund, & a Venture Studio in tandem - Michael Cardamone, CEO, Forum Ventures

Michael Cardamone is the Founder & CEO at Forum Ventures. Michael was one of the first 30 employees at Box in a BD role. After 6 years in operating roles, he launched Forum Ventures. He is also an angel investor in a dozen companies, including in the seed round of Flexport. Forum Ventures now runs an accelerator, a VC fund, and a Venture Studio. In this episode, we talk about: - The story of how Forum Ventures got started - Operating an accelerator, a VC fund, and a venture studio in tandem - What goes into running an accelerator and a venture studio? - His biggest learning investing in startups over the years and lots more..

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  • The story of how Forum Ventures got started
  • Operating an accelerator, a VC fund, and a venture studio in tandem
  • What goes into running an accelerator and a venture studio?
  • His biggest learning investing in startups over the years and lots more..






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